situs kuliner
Ketentuan dan Kebijakan
Agreement and terms of use Situs Jodoh

This Agreement regulates the relations between the Administration of the information resource «Situs Jodoh» and an individual who seeks and disseminates information on this resource.

Information resource «Situs Jodoh» not a mass media, the Administration of a resource does not edit the information posted and is not responsible for its content.

A user posting information on the resource «Situs Jodoh», independently represents and protects its interests arising in connection with the placement of the specified information, in relations with third parties.

Welcome to the Situs Jodoh site and/or mobile app, a web resource that helps you post messages and images.

The Situs Jodoh site ( (herein after – the Application) and/or mobile app is a network project uniting the people who love make posts news, messages, images.


1. The User shall use the Site Software and/or mobile app at his/her sole risk and expense. Software is made available for use on “as is” basis.

2. The Administration may not be held liable for any illegal acts of the User or any third parties.

3. The Administration shall bear no liability for any statements of the User published with use of Situs Jodoh Software. Also, the Administration shall not be liable for any (mis)conduct of the User while using the Situs Jodoh Software.

4. The Administration shall bear no liability for loss by the User of access to his/her account on the Site (including loss of login, password or any other details required for access to and use of Situs Jodoh Software).

5. The Administration shall bear no liability for any missing, inaccurate or incorrect data specified by the User when using the Situs Jodoh Software.

6. The Administration shall not exchange any elements of Site Supplemental Functionality acquired by the User for any other elements of the same.

7. The Administration shall not reimburse the User for any expenses connected with acquiring of the rights to use the Site anr/or mobile app Supplemental Functionality including in case where the User’s access to the Site Situs Jodoh and/or mobile app is suspended as a result, inter alia, of breaching the Situs Jodoh Terms and Policies, and/or should this Agreement is suspended or terminated by any reason.

8. The Administration shall not be obliged to present to the User any documents or other evidences of User’s breach hereof as a result of which the User was fully or partially denied a right to access the Site (and/ or mobile app).

9. The User shall not: 9.1. reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, disseminate, trade in or resell the Situs Jodoh Software and/ or the right to use the same for any purpose whatsoever other than where such transactions have been expressly authorized in accordance herewith; 9.2. distribute any audiovisual and/ or graphic images contained in Situs Jodoh Software, or any elements of its design or user interface outside the Site and/or mobile app, whether for commercial or non-commercial purpose, unless upon prior written permission from concerned right holders; and 9.3. use Software by any means not stipulated herein or not admissible in the ordinary operation of Situs Jodoh Software.